We moved our head office and lab recently and our new location does not (yet) have a provisioned network ports to connect these demo units. We're working to replace these ASAP. Mon, 29 Jan 2018 09:021:18 +1100
If you run any standard BitScope App on your PC or Mac when connected to the Internet you can access a real BS325 (which we call "Sydney") here in our R&D center in Australia. You can do this from wherever you are located in the world. The screenshots show BitScope DSO, Logic, Meter and Chart all simultaneously connected with Sydney.
Network BitScopes like BS325 and BS445 support sharing between multiple software applications on multiple PCs so you can connect with Sydney too.
More recently we've released BitScope Server for Raspberry Pi which allows you make any BitScope accessible online.
Simply download and install the software for your PC, Mac or Raspberry Pi, no BitScope required. See the Quick Start Guide for details.
We've put two BitScopes online:
Simply choose the one to connect to as shown in this Vine. After you have connected if you see images that look like one of of the above then congratulations, you are now connected to a live BitScope and you can try out all the features of the software without the need for a real BitScope. The magic of this remote connection is made possible by BitScope Networking.
These applications will not run forever when connected with the Sydney BitScope. This is intentional. It ensures that someone who connects and then forgets they have done so does not end up using up all their Internet bandwidth (and ours!). When connected with your own BitScope this data limit does not apply.
These BitScopes can become very busy; we have seen it responding to more than 30 systems across the Internet sometimes. Your access may become very slow when this happens, or the display may update without you doing anything (as someone else accesses the BitScope at the same time). This is normal (for these heavily used BitScopes) but it won't happen with your own (unless you share it publicly too). The performance you can expect to see will depend on the speed of your connection and where you are located. Normally you should see a screen update within a second or so.
If you're having trouble talking to these live demos, you can try replaying some data recordings made with Sydney using the DSO Data Recorder's Offline Replay Tutorial. We've put the Sydney BitScope online for your enjoyment and investigation, and to demonstrate the sort of things that are possible with BitScope Networking. An important benefit of the BitScope solution is that unlike some other systems, there is no PC at the Sydney end of the connection, just a BS325 directly connected to the Internet via a LAN!